If you're ready to 

Learn Game and Escape Your Pain

Fill out this form so we can get you started on your new life:


Are you tired of being rejected by women, or tired of feeling like crap, and mentally beating yourself up when you get home, for not talking to that beautiful woman you saw?

Are you tired of not taking the opportunities to talk to a beautiful woman, or not knowing what to say when you do talk to them?

Or are you tired of talking to the beautiful woman you want, but her just wanting to be friends and treating you like her brother?

Or are you tired of being single or even of not getting the calibre of woman you want in your life?

If you answered 'yes'  to any of the above, whatever your situation, we can help you overcome your social anxiety or improve your social skills, aka 'game'. Whether you want to talk to more women with confidence, escape the friend zone, attract higher quality women into your life, or just to have more beautiful women in your life, find a girlfriend or find your future wife, we can help you. I too used to be too afraid to talk to women, I too used to not know what to say, I too used to get friend-zoned and not only miss out on opportunities with women, but not get the calibre of woman I wanted. I've been there, so I know what it feels like, and I can help you overcome these obstacles.

Answer this question, how long have you felt the pain of whatever you answered yes to above, been affecting you? Now add that amount of time to the present and imagine your life that amount of time in the future, how much pain would you feel then? I imagine it would be intensified at least double. If you don''t start working on your future now, that's how your life will be, at least twice as bad as it feels now.

Now imagine how you want your life to be and how that would feel. Can you really afford to waste that same amount of time of your life to be in the same position you're in now, that much time in the future? Or do you agree with me that you must take action now to start to overcome this obstacle in your life to get the happiness you want? Let us help you get to where you want, you deserve to be happy! In fact you must work hard towards this as happiness is the most important thing in life.

Whether you prefer the do-it-yourself option, or you want a more 'hands on approach', let's work together to achieve a better life and get you to where you want to be. Simply fill out the form below right away, and we'll be in touch shortly to help you start reaching your goals. Don't delay, the only time that matters is the present, because the present determines your future. The more you delay, the more pain you will feel and the less happy your life will be. 

D-I-Y Programme

Would you like something you can use to help you get started right away with becoming better and more confident when talking to women and even just better talking to people in general?

I've put together a step by step guide to getting you out there and improving your 'game' right away. It consists of 'missions' which will start very easy and as your progress in your level, will progress to the next level to keep your 'game' improving. 

This is the cheaper and quicker version for those ready to start right away, or for those who don't live in London, or can't visit right away, so can't benefit from face-to-face coaching with me. 

Send me an email to indicate your interest in this: Male2FemaleConvo@gmail.com 

One-To-One Coaching

If you are ready for one-on-one coaching from us, please fill out the form below and we will be in touch to arrange for you to get started. 


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